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Living Wisely

  • The Kids Are Alright, Are You?

    The Kids Are Alright, Are You?

    If you want to reach a goal, tell your kids. Break a bad habit? Your 10 year old will turn into the eye in the sky. There’s nothing like being busted by a boy who takes his job very seriously....

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  • Book Club Or Snack Club?

    Book Club Or Snack Club?

    A neighborhood book club one of us joined has three unwritten rules: come comfy, it doesn’t matter if you’ve finished the book and come hungry. We found that saying this eliminated a lot of the stress that comes with one...

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  • Work Some Wonder Into Summer

    Work Some Wonder Into Summer

    Someone posted a picture on Instagram the other day of their two boys sitting at the kitchen island practicing their handwriting. About one week into summer vacation and they looked obedient and focused. How much do you want a bet...

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  • Come As You Are

    Come As You Are

    Columnist, humorist and mother of three, Erma Bombeck reflected on what she might do differently if she had life to live over. On the list: “I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and...

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  • Why We Panic When We Should Picnic

    Why We Panic When We Should Picnic

    Right at this very moment we are overwhelmed. Our inboxes, our kitchen islands, our messy cars. Things are coming to an end-like school, spring sports leagues and graduations – which somehow always means a little more hustle and a lot...

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  • Things Your Mother Never Told You

    Things Your Mother Never Told You

    We don’t care if you’ve read What to Expect or BabyCenter and every blog on pregnancy and motherhood (actually we do, good for you), no one tells you how becoming a mother will change everything. And we mean everything. A mother among us came...

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  • Mobilizing For Action

    Mobilizing For Action

    At some point in all of our lives, a thing happens to make us feel unglued. Something that takes us out of the comfort and lull of the daily routine and into unfamiliar territory. An illness, a health scare, a...

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  • Driving Miss Daisy & Her Little Friends

    Driving Miss Daisy & Her Little Friends

    Everyone’s buckled and you have 23 minutes to get to dance class on the other side of town. It’s 5:37 and apparently everyone left work at the same time tonight. You left with snacks in tow, filled up your gas...

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  • Ditch The Rut

    Ditch The Rut

    Staring back at you are four walls that cry boring and bare. This happens every year after you take down your holiday decorations . . . and it’s still winter. You trudge through. You try to enjoy your sweaters, knowing...

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