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Living Wisely

  • Movies And Memories

    Movies And Memories

    Movies make powerful memories partly because they make us feel understood. They make loneliness, love, embarrassment, disappointment, fear, sadness, joy and weirdness real, universal and okay. They give us words for our emotions and permission to feel them (or escape...

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  • The Paperwork of Parenting

    The Paperwork of Parenting

    It begins small when your kids start preschool. A sheet of paper comes home in their bag asking for snack donations or volunteers for the holiday party. It’s sweet, you’re green and you gladly play your part. Fast-forward five years...

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  • Look At Me, Look At Me!

    Look At Me, Look At Me!

    Remember the lengths you’d go to to get your mom’s attention? When you were doing a cartwheel, gave the dog a faux-hawk or just wanted to tear her away from her phone call? Most of us haven’t outgrown that need...

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  • Your Secret Super Bowl Party Playbook

    Your Secret Super Bowl Party Playbook

     We have a friend who sets out a cake when guests come over and calls it a day. Or a bag of chips and salsa or dip, still in their respective bag and jar (gasp!). And if that’s not enough, she actually looks...

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  • 10 Reasons We Need Snow After The Holidays

    10 Reasons We Need Snow After The Holidays

    It’s an unpopular opinion, liking snow after the holidays. People look at you like you’re crazy. Nine days into a severe cold snap (#polarvortex), with 13-plus inches on the ground and you might want to keep your opinions to yourself....

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  • Why Kindness Never Goes Out Of Style

    Why Kindness Never Goes Out Of Style

    We heard a story the other day that warmed our slightly world-weary hearts. A fifth grade teacher asked her class to take out three sheets of paper and cut them into 24 roughly equal squares. Each one of those squares...

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  • Sitting At The Kids' Table

    Sitting At The Kids' Table

    Some of us have kids of our own. We’re adults. We’re on time, we stock our own medicine cabinets and we sometimes use coupons when we don’t forget them at home. But somehow the mismatched charm of The Kids’ Table...

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  • The Definition of Insanity

    The Definition of Insanity

    What’s that saying? The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. So you’re back into school, work, alarm clocks and schedules. Maybe you’re feeling rushed. Obligations tugging at your sleeve. Has the...

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  • Rubberband Bracelets And Other Currency

    Rubberband Bracelets And Other Currency

    Remember friendship bracelets, the original staple of summer camp? And your best friend who whipped them up at home for a chosen few. ‘What’s your favorite color? Your second favorite?’ There was something happening here, something much bigger than bracelets....

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