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Living Wisely

  • Peace, People & Potato Chips

    Peace, People & Potato Chips

    There are so many wonderful things about this time of year that sometimes we forget there are people who are lonely, struggling or hurting. And while we love the consideration and anticipation of gift giving, we know it’s way more...

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  • Holiday Gift Wrapping & Giving

    Holiday Gift Wrapping & Giving

    You’ve been picking up gifts here and there, online and as you come across them and just as that feeling of accomplishment washes over you, you remember you have to wrap them. We used to stress out about this, thinking...

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  • 10 Tips To Hassle-Free Hosting

    10 Tips To Hassle-Free Hosting

    Sometimes people wait until everything is perfect to host the holidays, their in-laws, overnight guests or neighborhood dinner club. Which is, never. There will always be a messy linen closet, rings on the table or less than spotless carpet. We...

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  • What Did You Do At School Today

    What Did You Do At School Today

    The answer? Almost always, ‘nothing.’ Not ‘we studied electricity and made these tiny little conductors and my light bulb lit up on the first try!’ Or ‘I got a 95 out of 100 on my spelling test and the teacher...

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  • The Competitive Sport of Snack Schedules

    The Competitive Sport of Snack Schedules

     Some well-intentioned parent started the sports snack schedule for good not evil. But it was a slippery slope they tread, veering into veritable snack buffets with options, halftime mini snacks and Pinterest-worthy nametags. How did this happen? It started innocently...

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  • Real People Wear White After Labor Day

    Real People Wear White After Labor Day

    Whenever talk turns to fall, someone always trots out the ‘no white after Labor Day’ thing. Which got us thinking. Where do these ‘rules’ come from and are they really true? In honor of all the good little boys and...

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  • 10 Best Reasons To Love Fall

    10 Best Reasons To Love Fall

    After last winter, the first signs of fall may be met with preemptive dread. You know what I’m talking about. But we prefer to focus on everything we love about fall for now. Because we’re living in the moment and...

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  • Saved By The Bell

    Saved By The Bell

    Summer is fantastic. And long. And slightly frustrating. And did we say fantastic? Truth is, most of us operate better with a little routine, especially once you have kids. And that’s what back-to-school time is all about. That yellow bus...

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