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Living Wisely

  • 10 Signs It's Time For School

    10 Signs It's Time For School

    When it begins, summer feels like an endless dreamy vision of shiny, happy people who live in the sun and are never in a bad mood. And it is. Sometimes. We love the special moments where time slows down and...

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  • Real People And Snacks

    Real People And Snacks

    Yes, we’re a snack foods company. And everyone here is working on making our snacks more delicious, our ingredients the best they can be, our bags attractive and worthy of your attention and bringing our chips to a supermarket near...

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  • Wise Dads

    Wise Dads

    To try to describe dads in just a few words would be like trying to nap in a recliner while Disney channel blares in the background and everyone is asking for lunch. It can be done, but it wouldn’t be...

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  • Headlines, Helpers & Happy Things

    Headlines, Helpers & Happy Things

    We’re serious newsies, checking our inbox, Twitter feed and favorite sources for the latest headlines. But there are moments when we need a serious infusion of good news. Where has it all gone? We went on a search to find...

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  • Perfectly Imperfectly

    Perfectly Imperfectly

    This spring, we’re back with a new attitude. It’s about embracing and celebrating imperfection and individuality. Looking at things through new, dare we say it, more accepting, more gracious lenses. We’ve been inspired by campaigns from Dove and people like Mo’ne Davis. These...

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  • 20 Spring Pick-Me-Ups

    20 Spring Pick-Me-Ups

    You might be needing these right about now. We did. And putting this together put us in the right frame of mind. We’re going to make it through winter like we always do. And the best is yet to come. 1....

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  • 5 Best Super Bowl Party Plays

    5 Best Super Bowl Party Plays

    The Super is almost upon us. And if you’re debating getting people together at your place, debate no longer. It’s more fun watching with a group and getting it all together is completely doable, maybe even easy. Maybe. We’ve scoured...

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