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Living Wisely

  • One Thing That Scares You

    One Thing That Scares You

    On the desk of a friend, under the clear coaster saving her desk from all manner of coffee and water stains, is something else that saves her most every day. It’s a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that she credits as...

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  • Don't Fall For It

    Don't Fall For It

    Can you remember the last time you didn’t let what others thought or expected stop you from trying something new or something you love? We’re not talking about throwing all caution or reason to the wind, no that’s just reckless....

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  • Stop Copying Me

    Stop Copying Me

    It used to be a bad thing to copy someone. Copy on a test, you’re a cheater. Mock everything I say and do, I’m telling mom. Buy the same prom dress, don’t go there. Copying was akin to stealing and...

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  • Sticky Situations

    Sticky Situations

    Little white lies were invented for sticky situations. Right? OK, maybe not. But sometimes we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place and we really just wish we could, you know, summon a rock crusher or be magically...

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  • Is It Too Early To Tailgate?

    Is It Too Early To Tailgate?

    Are you in full face paint yet? The Regular NFL season kicks off soon and we find ourselves in the mood for some tailgate food. Only this year we’re not going overboard when it comes to planning the menu. That’s not...

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  • Let Freedom Sting

    Let Freedom Sting

    The bee was lying low just inside the rim of the glass. Until it made its move. Being stung on the lip is better than a mid-throat sting (or so we’re told), but it still ain’t pretty. This was how...

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  • A Case For Unitasking

    A Case For Unitasking

    You’re texting while you finish your last few Peach Habanero Potato Chips and wipe the kitchen counters, aren’t you? Back away from the counters, sit yourself down and ponder this: there is a time and place for multitasking and we salute your...

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  • Your Wild And Precious Life

    Your Wild And Precious Life

    For some reason we’ve been coming across a Mary Oliver quote every time we turn around. Maybe because a new crew of graduates has just been released into the world. Maybe because there’s not one among us who hasn’t secretly...

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  • Stack Your Bench

    Stack Your Bench

    We just finished reading an article that uses stripped down baseball logic as a metaphor for life. And. We. Loved. It. We’re not the Boys of Summer, but we’ve seen Bull Durham all the way through. So the advice about...

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