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Your Life Measured In Cheez Doodles [Infographic]

Your Life Measured In Cheez Doodles [Infographic]

Have you ever though to yourself about things like how many steps would it take to walk to work? Or how many steps it would take you to travel around the world? Well, Wise Snacks thinks like that, too. This infographic covers bizarre inquiries you’ve had but instead of using a traditional scale like steps, we’ve gone with what we know best. We’re using Cheez Doodles to measure a whole bunch of different things. Things like how many Cheez Doodles it takes to fill up a bathtub or how many Cheez Doodles lined up end-to-end it takes to span two miles. Check out the graphic below to see the rest of the awesome ways your life can be measured in Cheez Doodles!
Your Life Measured in Cheez Doodles
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