So Jonas happened. The memory (and snow) is still fresh. And once the novelty of snowballs, snow angels, forts, cones, snowmen, women and children wears off, you might need a little something to get you through. We’re here for you with this survival kit of 10 things to get you through winter:
- A sense of humor. Perhaps the most underrated but vital component to seasonal survival. Laugh in the face of strep throat, three consecutive days in the same pajama pants and pasty white skin. Laugh to keep from crying.
- Exercise. If you have a treadmill, stairstepper, rowing machine, weights, a DVD . . . use them. If the roads are safe to travel, head to the gym for a class, a swim or some weights. If you’re snowed in and you don’t have any equipment, you’re still in luck. There’s plenty you can do right at home using just your own body weight as resistance. Check it out.
- Fresh flowers. They have magical powers beyond all human understanding. Just a small bunch and you’ll be a believer.
- Board or card games you never use. We’ll apologize in advance, but we are on a board game kick and we’re not afraid to tell the world. Seriously. There are games you can play with the whole family that won’t bore you to tears and you probably have some of them (think Sorry!,Uno, Bananagram, Monopoly, Tenzi and more).
- Vitamin D. We’re certainly not medical professionals, but when something works for us, it’s only right to share. First, talk with your doctor before starting any supplement, but know that very few foods naturally contain vitamin D (Alaskan salmon, anyone?). Our bodies can turn sunlight into Vitamin D, but when it’s in short supply (say, February) a supplement might be a good option. Why it might be worth checking? Vitamin D ‘is a complex nutrient that may play a role in preventing autoimmune diseases, improving mental health, protecting our cardiovascular system and fighting cancer.’ Web MD.
- Netflix. Hulu. HBO on Demand. Amazon Fire. If you haven’t discovered binge watching, you’re in for a treat. I mean, you wouldn’t want to fall into a ‘show hole.’
- Warm, fuzzy socks. Like these. We’re slightly obsessed.
- Indoor organizing. We consider this a sport. It might even count as cardio. Since you’re inside anyway, set aside a day or a weekend or two to get organized. Clean a closet or two. Donate clothes (many organizations will pick them up for you), get some inexpensive containers to organize art supplies, papers, photos and kid’s artwork. Clean your cupboards. Recycle the containers that have no partner-lids, take inventory of utensils or glassware you might need, buy birthday cards a few months in advance, update your contacts on your phone. Once the weather breaks, you’ll have better things to do, but you’ll never regret the time well spent.
- Snacks for emergencies. Like being snowed in with kids, hungry kids coming in from outside, binge watching Seasons 1-3 (see above), working at home, carpooling, playdates, poker night, girl’s night and more. Snacks come in handy.
- Plan Spring Break. If all else fails, bask in the glow of spring break plans to someplace warm, exotic, sunny or just, different. Have you checked out Airbnb? OrVRBO? Both great options for escaping the ordinary hotel experience.
Stay strong, brothers and sisters.